Buckeye Union
Basketball League
"Our basketball league is dedicated to promoting sportsmanship, teamwork, and friendly competition while helping young athletes learn and grow in the game of basketball. We strive to create a positive and supportive environment where all players can develop their skills, build lasting friendships, and have fun while playing the game they love. Together, we are more than just a basketball league—we are a Buckeye Union community committed to respect, effort, and growth."
We are playing both boys and girls games at the same location on the same day unless noted on the schedule. This helps teams with one coach for both. Many schools will "host" their home games in different gyms so please check schedule for the exact location. LINK TO SCHEDULE
Traveling, Double Dribble, Illegal Contact, Charging, 3 seconds in the key, Back Court. No Pressure in the backcourt until the ball has passed the center line (10 seconds). This is an instructional league, so basic youth rules will be used, with leeway given to players who need additional instruction during the game. Players get 5 individual fouls. A fifth foul results in removal from the game. Seven team fouls in a half result in 1and1 bonus free throws. Ten team fouls results in two free throws.
Technical fouls will award the opposing team two points and possession of the ball.
Time of Play
Two 20-minute halves with a 5 minute halftime. During half time the members of the playing teams should be the only ones shooting on the floor. Each team is allowed 2 timeouts per half. The clock will stop for timeouts and during the last two minutes of each half. Substitutes may enter on any dead ball or stoppage of play. The second game will always start 10 minutes after the first game.
In the event of a tie game:
If the game ends in a tie after regulation, we will have 3 minute overtime. Clock stops only for free throws & timeouts for first 2 minutes, and the clock stops for all whistles during final minute. Each team gets one timeout in overtime. If it is still a tie after overtime, the game results in a tie!
Player Eligibility
Play is open to all 4th and 5th graders, but most teams will be completely made up of 5th. Each school may, if they choose to, craft a team of 12-14 players that will perform as the league team. Schools have the option of creating teams as they see best.
End of Season Tournament
The top three teams from both the boys & girls divisions will compete in a two-game elimination style tournament to end the season. The 1 seed will have a BYE and the 2 seed will play against the 3 seed to determine who plays in the championship game against the 1 seed. Seeds determined by regular season record.
A tie breaker for two teams with the same record goes to head to head matchups. If the 1st and 2nd place or 3rd and 4th place are still tied with head to head matchups, those two teams will schedule a third matchup before the tournament to determine positioning.
Sportsmanship Considerations
In the case of a blowout game (20 point difference or more), several options are available... The leading team can freeze their score, restrict defense to one foot in the key (until a shot is taken), or challenge the team to stay inside the three point line on defense. The clock may also run continuously in the second half (instead of stopping for the last 2 minutes) if the score reaches a 20 point difference or more.
Also….monitoring the behavior of the crowd connected to our teams is the responsibility of the coach. Please do what you can to keep the experience positive for players. Not an easy task, but it’s imperative that we create a good example for our kids. Thanks for your support.
Home Team Expectations
The home team needs to provide a Youth 28.5 inch ball, clock management, scoreboard, and referees. Schools may pay for referees or use reliable parents or school personnel. Referees must understand our league rules and expectations. Coaches, please ensure that you reviewed these expectations with officials before the games.
Sierra West Officials-Contact Bob Godwin
Email: bobgodwin@comcast.net
Phone: (530) 919-3893Lloyd Mills Group - Contact Lloyd
Email: edhillsmills@aol.com